32 blog entries for Beauty Works blog in less than 120 hours, imagine the amount of articles that I shifted and filtered through. It's one of the little thing that I enjoyed doing, reading about everything related to beauty under the sky. Being able to share the knowledge with others and getting comments and feedback's are the greatest pleasures I've gained ever since I've started the blog. If only I could do it consistently. The other thing that I really enjoyed doing is playing online games which explains the 3 windows on my computer. The game's window is hiding behind and I'm simply as guilty as charged, for playing online games in pretense of working on some serious matter.
My biggest weakness so far is procrastination in certain aspect of my life. I could be efficient in some area but at the same time I could be a slacker in other area. Once I started working on something, I can go non stop but if I never got started on anything, it will take me forever to get it started. Needed a lot of motivation to get my butt moving especially if there's a due date coming. It wouldn't be a problem if everything else comes with an obvious due date.
Like the book that I'm trying to write. Begun the project months ago and I've written bits of various chapters. Only bits of the prologue and bits of the epilogue. Only God knows how long will it takes for me to finish with this book. Will I ever achieved my life long dream to publish a book of my own? Sigh...
Another thing is the floor plans, it's been dragging for a year now. Why can't they just give me a due date? At least that would make me finish it long time ago. I must, I mean I REALLY MUST get it done soon. How soon? We shall see...
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