It’s only abuse if there is physical violence.
Physical abuse is just one form of abuse. Children can also be harmed by emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. These types of abuse are usually hidden from sight and, as a result, people are less likely to take action and help the children.
Only bad people abuse. Good people don’t.
Not all abusers are bad and want to harm their children intentionally. Some abusers may have been victims of abuse themselves, and grew up not knowing any other way of parenting or treating children. Others may be struggling with mental health problems, alcohol and drug addiction and other personal problems.
Only bad people abuse. Good people don’t.
Not all abusers are bad and want to harm their children intentionally. Some abusers may have been victims of abuse themselves, and grew up not knowing any other way of parenting or treating children. Others may be struggling with mental health problems, alcohol and drug addiction and other personal problems.
Many children do not know their abusers.
Although some children are abused by complete strangers, many actually know their abusers and trust them. Abusers are most commonly family members, or someone who is close to the family and the child.
Many children do not know their abusers.
Although some children are abused by complete strangers, many actually know their abusers and trust them. Abusers are most commonly family members, or someone who is close to the family and the child.
Child abuse doesn’t happen in “good” families and wealthy households.
Child abuse can happen in any household, regardless of ethnic background, culture, religion or economic status. Sometimes, a family that seems to have it all can hide a different story behind closed doors.
Child abuse doesn’t happen in “good” families and wealthy households.
Child abuse can happen in any household, regardless of ethnic background, culture, religion or economic status. Sometimes, a family that seems to have it all can hide a different story behind closed doors.
Many adults who suffered abuse in childhood are not affected by this abuse in adult life.
Although some adults manage to cope with abuse they suffered as children, many remain deeply affected in adult life. It is not easy to just get over child abuse. Survivors of child abuse need care and support to overcome the trauma of abuse and live full healthy lives.
Many adults who suffered abuse in childhood are not affected by this abuse in adult life.
Although some adults manage to cope with abuse they suffered as children, many remain deeply affected in adult life. It is not easy to just get over child abuse. Survivors of child abuse need care and support to overcome the trauma of abuse and live full healthy lives.
Abused children will definitely grow up to be abusers.
Some survivors of child abuse may unconsciously repeat the violent or abusive treatment that they experienced as a child. However, many have a strong motivation to protect their own children from experiencing what they had suffered and, instead, become wonderful parents.
Abused children will definitely grow up to be abusers.
Some survivors of child abuse may unconsciously repeat the violent or abusive treatment that they experienced as a child. However, many have a strong motivation to protect their own children from experiencing what they had suffered and, instead, become wonderful parents.
A child is responsible for the abuse that he/she suffers.
A child is never responsible for the abuse he/she suffers. The responsibility for abuse lies solely with the offender. In the case of sexual abuse, offenders often try to shift the blame for their actions by accusing the child of being promiscuous or seductive, especially if it involves a teenager.
A child is responsible for the abuse that he/she suffers.
A child is never responsible for the abuse he/she suffers. The responsibility for abuse lies solely with the offender. In the case of sexual abuse, offenders often try to shift the blame for their actions by accusing the child of being promiscuous or seductive, especially if it involves a teenager.
Children lie about being sexually abused.
It is extremely rare for children to lie about being sexually abused. In reality, children may not want to disclose sexual abuse because they are embarrassed, afraid or uncomfortable.
Children lie about being sexually abused.
It is extremely rare for children to lie about being sexually abused. In reality, children may not want to disclose sexual abuse because they are embarrassed, afraid or uncomfortable.

What is the Get On Board Campaign About?
Get on Board is a "people's campaign" by UNICEF to provide the Malaysian public with a platform to learn and respond to child abuse in the country. The digitally driven campaign, a first by UNICEF in the region, aims to strengthen public understanding of child abuse by providing information on the types of abuse, why it could happen and how to recognise symptoms in an abused child. It also hopes to empower the public to act on behalf of children by equipping them with protection solutions, parenting tips, action ideas and a directory of important resources. The campaign will run for two months. It was launched on 6 October in Kuala Lumpur and will culminate on 10 December (in conjunction with Human Rights Day). The finale will be hosted by UNICEF together with the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development and a local NGO, Childline Malaysia.
Why is this campaign important?
Despite significant strides made by the Government of Malaysia to improve child protection measures in recent years, statistics from the Department of Social Welfare show a rise in reported child abuse cases in the country. In 2008, 2,780 cases of child abuse were reported compared to 2,279 in 2007 and 1,999 in 2006. While these figures in itself are worrying, we fear that it does not tell the true story about child abuse in the country. Because these figures represent only reported cases, it does not tell us anything about the scope, magnitude and reasons for child abuse in Malaysia. We also believe that the rise in the number of reported cases could be related to both a limited public understanding about child abuse; and its consequences on children as well as limited awareness about what actions can be taken on an individual level to prevent child abuse from occurring. The 'Get on Board' campaign is aimed at addressing these challenges. The campaign is anchored on the principle that "We Need to Know" - to know and understand more about the trends of child abuse in the country, to know more about how to recognise symptoms, and to know how we can respond as individuals. The adage that ignorance is bliss could not be farther from the truth, particularly in the context of child abuse. Knowledge is the key to our success. It gives us the power to govern ourselves, our households, and ultimately our communities.
What does this campaign hope to achieve?
We want this campaign to make child abuse everyone's business. Statistics alone do not tell us enough about the extent of abuse in a population, the severity of abuse over time or why abuse is occurring. This is why we are calling for public support for action to better understand the extent of abusive behaviour in the general population and the reasons behind it. This will help the Government design evidence-based interventions to protect children from abuse and ensure them a safe and healthy childhood. A study on child abuse and its root causes would also help establish benchmarks for the measurement of child abuse, against which it would be possible to monitor future changes and trends in the abuse of children, and in public attitudes towards it. Just as important, the campaign aims to inform the public about child abuse, why it could happen, how to recognise symptoms in a child and inspire the public to act on behalf of children by equipping them with protection tips and action ideas.
Will this campaign put an end to abuse?
The Get on Board campaign is about providing the people of Malaysia with a platform to unite against child abuse in the country by learning more and doing more. When more people are engaged on the issue, the closer we are to ensuring the safety of our children. Child abuse prevention efforts however must build on family strengths since parents are recognised to have the most important role in raising their children. Through prevention activities such as parent education, home visitation, and parent support groups, many families can find the support they need to stay together and care for their children in their homes and communities. Prevention efforts should help parents develop their parenting skills, understand the benefits of nonviolent discipline techniques, and understand and meet their child's emotional, physical, and developmental needs. Prevention programs should also help parents identify other needs they may have; and provide assistance to parents in getting that additional support.
Why should I care about this campaign?
According to the statistics from the Department of Social Welfare, 7 children on average were abused each day in 2008. Each of these children has within themselves the potential to be a leader; to excel at education; and to have a family. When this child is abused, that potential is both poisoned and limited. This future leader then becomes a drain on society; a victim rather than a solution. Sure, this does not happen in every case; and we have in fact seen incredibly resilient and brave people who have found ways to rise above their situations; and even help others do the same. Aside from its impact on a child's life, child abuse also has the potential to spread. People who were abused as children are much more likely to end up mimicking that abusive behavior with their own children. The problems associated with child abuse will only continue and likely grow larger without active attempts to end it. Child abuse victims may also have difficulties in school, leading to poorer employment prospects later in life and placing the victim at higher risk of living in poverty. Child abuse victims can also experience social and psychological problems that cause them to become isolated from general society. They might also turn to alcohol or drugs as ways of escape and risk becoming dependent on these substances. These situations can all contribute to making the victim more likely to act in ways harmful to society, such as criminal activity, violence and continuing the pattern of abuse. With increased criminal activity, there will be a greater need for laws to be enforced, and the need for more police and other law enforcement officials. While the effects of child abuse are hard to quantify in many respects, one way that they can be measured is in the Ringgit spent in dealing with its consequences - these include healthcare and mental health care services and legal costs.
What resources and support will UNICEF provide to people interested to participate?
The campaign website www.uniteagainstabuse.my will remain open indefinitely to serve as a one-stop repository for users to gain knowledge, insights, advice and resources on child abuse and how to prevent and respond to it. The website will also provide resources and contact information for concerned Malaysians to band together and rally against child abuse in any form. Fact sheets are also available for the media as well as individuals and organisations to download to champion the cause and embark on their own outreach campaigns.
How can I support the 'Get on Board' Campaign?
Each of us is responsible for transforming our communities into places that care about - and actively support - families and children. Each of us must pay attention to the kinds of efforts that will prevent child abuse from happening in the first place. We all need to learn more about what we can do individually and within our communities to prevent child abuse.
The Get on Board website offers the Malaysian public a platform to unite and show their support to stopping child abuse. By logging online to www.uniteagainstabuse.my, concerned and caring individuals can show their support by:
•Learning more about child abuse. The website provides resources and opportunities to engage, educate and empower all of us to protect children from abuse.
•Signing up to the campaign. They do this by creating their own unique "Hand" symbol which can be used as their Facebook profile picture or on other social media to show solidarity across the country to end child abuse.
•Sharing materials on the website with their friends, loved ones and colleagues. All information on the website has Facebook and Twitter sharing capabilities so that users can help spread the word on how we can stop child abuse.
We hope that the information from the website will inspire the public to begin conversations about protecting children from abuse. Conversations that will take place over a neighbour's fence, at the office coffee machine, while in queue at the bank or grocer as well as through letters to editors and on the internet through blogs, tweets and facebook updates. But most important to the abused child, we hope the campaign will equip the public with the confidence to stay alert for children, and to report suspected abuse immediately by calling 15999.
What is the Get On Board Campaign About?
Get on Board is a "people's campaign" by UNICEF to provide the Malaysian public with a platform to learn and respond to child abuse in the country. The digitally driven campaign, a first by UNICEF in the region, aims to strengthen public understanding of child abuse by providing information on the types of abuse, why it could happen and how to recognise symptoms in an abused child. It also hopes to empower the public to act on behalf of children by equipping them with protection solutions, parenting tips, action ideas and a directory of important resources. The campaign will run for two months. It was launched on 6 October in Kuala Lumpur and will culminate on 10 December (in conjunction with Human Rights Day). The finale will be hosted by UNICEF together with the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development and a local NGO, Childline Malaysia.
Why is this campaign important?
Despite significant strides made by the Government of Malaysia to improve child protection measures in recent years, statistics from the Department of Social Welfare show a rise in reported child abuse cases in the country. In 2008, 2,780 cases of child abuse were reported compared to 2,279 in 2007 and 1,999 in 2006. While these figures in itself are worrying, we fear that it does not tell the true story about child abuse in the country. Because these figures represent only reported cases, it does not tell us anything about the scope, magnitude and reasons for child abuse in Malaysia. We also believe that the rise in the number of reported cases could be related to both a limited public understanding about child abuse; and its consequences on children as well as limited awareness about what actions can be taken on an individual level to prevent child abuse from occurring. The 'Get on Board' campaign is aimed at addressing these challenges. The campaign is anchored on the principle that "We Need to Know" - to know and understand more about the trends of child abuse in the country, to know more about how to recognise symptoms, and to know how we can respond as individuals. The adage that ignorance is bliss could not be farther from the truth, particularly in the context of child abuse. Knowledge is the key to our success. It gives us the power to govern ourselves, our households, and ultimately our communities.
What does this campaign hope to achieve?
We want this campaign to make child abuse everyone's business. Statistics alone do not tell us enough about the extent of abuse in a population, the severity of abuse over time or why abuse is occurring. This is why we are calling for public support for action to better understand the extent of abusive behaviour in the general population and the reasons behind it. This will help the Government design evidence-based interventions to protect children from abuse and ensure them a safe and healthy childhood. A study on child abuse and its root causes would also help establish benchmarks for the measurement of child abuse, against which it would be possible to monitor future changes and trends in the abuse of children, and in public attitudes towards it. Just as important, the campaign aims to inform the public about child abuse, why it could happen, how to recognise symptoms in a child and inspire the public to act on behalf of children by equipping them with protection tips and action ideas.
Will this campaign put an end to abuse?
The Get on Board campaign is about providing the people of Malaysia with a platform to unite against child abuse in the country by learning more and doing more. When more people are engaged on the issue, the closer we are to ensuring the safety of our children. Child abuse prevention efforts however must build on family strengths since parents are recognised to have the most important role in raising their children. Through prevention activities such as parent education, home visitation, and parent support groups, many families can find the support they need to stay together and care for their children in their homes and communities. Prevention efforts should help parents develop their parenting skills, understand the benefits of nonviolent discipline techniques, and understand and meet their child's emotional, physical, and developmental needs. Prevention programs should also help parents identify other needs they may have; and provide assistance to parents in getting that additional support.
Why should I care about this campaign?
According to the statistics from the Department of Social Welfare, 7 children on average were abused each day in 2008. Each of these children has within themselves the potential to be a leader; to excel at education; and to have a family. When this child is abused, that potential is both poisoned and limited. This future leader then becomes a drain on society; a victim rather than a solution. Sure, this does not happen in every case; and we have in fact seen incredibly resilient and brave people who have found ways to rise above their situations; and even help others do the same. Aside from its impact on a child's life, child abuse also has the potential to spread. People who were abused as children are much more likely to end up mimicking that abusive behavior with their own children. The problems associated with child abuse will only continue and likely grow larger without active attempts to end it. Child abuse victims may also have difficulties in school, leading to poorer employment prospects later in life and placing the victim at higher risk of living in poverty. Child abuse victims can also experience social and psychological problems that cause them to become isolated from general society. They might also turn to alcohol or drugs as ways of escape and risk becoming dependent on these substances. These situations can all contribute to making the victim more likely to act in ways harmful to society, such as criminal activity, violence and continuing the pattern of abuse. With increased criminal activity, there will be a greater need for laws to be enforced, and the need for more police and other law enforcement officials. While the effects of child abuse are hard to quantify in many respects, one way that they can be measured is in the Ringgit spent in dealing with its consequences - these include healthcare and mental health care services and legal costs.
What resources and support will UNICEF provide to people interested to participate?
The campaign website www.uniteagainstabuse.my will remain open indefinitely to serve as a one-stop repository for users to gain knowledge, insights, advice and resources on child abuse and how to prevent and respond to it. The website will also provide resources and contact information for concerned Malaysians to band together and rally against child abuse in any form. Fact sheets are also available for the media as well as individuals and organisations to download to champion the cause and embark on their own outreach campaigns.
How can I support the 'Get on Board' Campaign?
Each of us is responsible for transforming our communities into places that care about - and actively support - families and children. Each of us must pay attention to the kinds of efforts that will prevent child abuse from happening in the first place. We all need to learn more about what we can do individually and within our communities to prevent child abuse.
The Get on Board website offers the Malaysian public a platform to unite and show their support to stopping child abuse. By logging online to www.uniteagainstabuse.my, concerned and caring individuals can show their support by:
•Learning more about child abuse. The website provides resources and opportunities to engage, educate and empower all of us to protect children from abuse.
•Signing up to the campaign. They do this by creating their own unique "Hand" symbol which can be used as their Facebook profile picture or on other social media to show solidarity across the country to end child abuse.
•Sharing materials on the website with their friends, loved ones and colleagues. All information on the website has Facebook and Twitter sharing capabilities so that users can help spread the word on how we can stop child abuse.
We hope that the information from the website will inspire the public to begin conversations about protecting children from abuse. Conversations that will take place over a neighbour's fence, at the office coffee machine, while in queue at the bank or grocer as well as through letters to editors and on the internet through blogs, tweets and facebook updates. But most important to the abused child, we hope the campaign will equip the public with the confidence to stay alert for children, and to report suspected abuse immediately by calling 15999.
There's so much of truths you have stated here and I really feel sad to read or hear on kids being abused.
ReplyDeleteI called it silent victims. Those abused kids don't know how to stand up for themselves or even dare to do so. They suffered in silence and wished that they can get away from the abuser when they grow up. By then, they'll be too traumatized and it will affect their adult life.