Had to work late again,there's a lot of appointments at the salon and I'm feeling so exhausted. When I got home around 9PM, I heard Baby Chantelle Elise whining and scratching the floor. It's the sign and she's going to whelp soon. I went to comfort and talk to her when I saw some thing moving across the floor. It was a puppy still in the sac! Quickly I went to cut it open and reveal the puppy inside. She's a girl and she's so adorable, the first born. I named her Smallie Mollie because she's so tiny.
Then it took another 4 hours before Baby Chantelle Elise whelped 4 others puppies and I helped to cut open all the sacs and the umbilical cords. After all been's done, the puppies started nursing. It will be another week before the puppies will open their eyes and see me.
I can't believe that someone like me who's scared of blood would be able to help delivering the puppies without any hitch, with my bare hands. It was a milestone for both Baby Chantelle Elise and me. She had safely whelped her puppies and I managed to overcome my fear of blood.
Seeing the puppies nursing happily and their little paws nudging away as they sucked their mother's teat. New beings starting their new lives with us. Happiness overwhelmed everyone of us at home. Our family has grew larger. That was my happiest moment in my life and there's no amount of money can buy that kind of feeling ever.
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