I think bookstores in this country should all close down.What's the point of them if I have to source my reading materials overseas?New books that launched worldwide are not their shelves.Best selling titles are banned.Paperbacks are not available. Classics are hard to find.Authors collections incomplete.
Having to drag those books through the airport was really hard.Especially hard when those officers required me to open up my luggages.I always get those suspicious looks from them when they see what's inside.I was hiding something in between perhaps?which idiot in this world would drag so many books around the globe?Not just any books or just a few books here.It's more than a dozen titles and even William Shakespeare classic.
Well,I'm that idiot here...
Life is like a box of chocolate.It could be sweet and it could be bitter too.It is a perplexing odyssey.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Bad Table Manners

"He whom eats rapidly, mechanically, for him food is merely an indispensable means of subsistence".
"She whom eat with slurping noises and chewed food with open mouth when she had the audacity to admit that she's a civilised individual".
"An immaculated lady with expensive attire that attracts attention,attracts even more when she sloshed down the food into her mouth like a pig".
What's the point of having serving utensils when you refused to use it?When you prefer to lick clean your utensils or when there are bits of food sticking to it before you jammed that saliva and food carcass coated utensil into the shared dish.Oh goodness!The rest of us had to digest your saliva and the carcass from your dirty mouth with the food.
How many of us that are actually raised amist the Japanese education and cultural here?Not many unless you lived in Japan.That's the fact.Keep that in mind PLEASE!There's a reason that I brought this up.A lot of people tend to eat with slurping sounds especially when they are having noodles or pasta. When you tried to talk to them about the noised,they'll tell you that it's the way the japanese eats.WHAT THE HECK!?As you said,it's japanese.Not you!We are not brought up this way .The standard table etiquette is the western ways.Everyone around the way is doing that.Please don't use that japanese thingy as an excuse to justify your disgusting ways.If you want to do that,please do it only when you are in the Land of Rising Sun or when you are in the japanese restaurant.It's very rude if you practised it in the wrong place.
Please chew your food with your mouth close.We don't need any accompanying noise from your damn mouth.Also,don't talk with your mouth full.Your food carcass that were stuck in the shared dish is bad enough,being splattered with bullets of foods that comes from your mouth is like adding salt to the wound.Spare us the torture please.
Steamboat is a dish that is meant to be shared and enjoyed with others.If only some people don't suck their chopstick and dip it into the pot of soup.Maybe sucking isn't clean enough,dipping the chopstick in the boiling soup can help to kill germs and add some flavor to the soup as well.That's killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
A nightmare indeed to dine with such person.It's comparable to dining with a pig. Oink!Oink!The only thing that I could do is to keep my eyes on my food and try to make up some music in my mind to drown away the noises.These kind of activities really stressed me out.
It could go so wrong that I lose my appetite,it's really tormenting you know?I really love eating but not with these people.I know,sometimes I wished I could control my food intake so that I could slim down but not in this way!!
Can anyone please give these people lessons on table etiquette?Or can the authority pass a law that could put these people behind the bars,faraway from me?
"She whom eat with slurping noises and chewed food with open mouth when she had the audacity to admit that she's a civilised individual".
"An immaculated lady with expensive attire that attracts attention,attracts even more when she sloshed down the food into her mouth like a pig".
What's the point of having serving utensils when you refused to use it?When you prefer to lick clean your utensils or when there are bits of food sticking to it before you jammed that saliva and food carcass coated utensil into the shared dish.Oh goodness!The rest of us had to digest your saliva and the carcass from your dirty mouth with the food.
How many of us that are actually raised amist the Japanese education and cultural here?Not many unless you lived in Japan.That's the fact.Keep that in mind PLEASE!There's a reason that I brought this up.A lot of people tend to eat with slurping sounds especially when they are having noodles or pasta. When you tried to talk to them about the noised,they'll tell you that it's the way the japanese eats.WHAT THE HECK!?As you said,it's japanese.Not you!We are not brought up this way .The standard table etiquette is the western ways.Everyone around the way is doing that.Please don't use that japanese thingy as an excuse to justify your disgusting ways.If you want to do that,please do it only when you are in the Land of Rising Sun or when you are in the japanese restaurant.It's very rude if you practised it in the wrong place.
Please chew your food with your mouth close.We don't need any accompanying noise from your damn mouth.Also,don't talk with your mouth full.Your food carcass that were stuck in the shared dish is bad enough,being splattered with bullets of foods that comes from your mouth is like adding salt to the wound.Spare us the torture please.
Steamboat is a dish that is meant to be shared and enjoyed with others.If only some people don't suck their chopstick and dip it into the pot of soup.Maybe sucking isn't clean enough,dipping the chopstick in the boiling soup can help to kill germs and add some flavor to the soup as well.That's killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
A nightmare indeed to dine with such person.It's comparable to dining with a pig. Oink!Oink!The only thing that I could do is to keep my eyes on my food and try to make up some music in my mind to drown away the noises.These kind of activities really stressed me out.
It could go so wrong that I lose my appetite,it's really tormenting you know?I really love eating but not with these people.I know,sometimes I wished I could control my food intake so that I could slim down but not in this way!!
Can anyone please give these people lessons on table etiquette?Or can the authority pass a law that could put these people behind the bars,faraway from me?
Who am I to judge them?
I know I shouldn't have this kind of mentality.It's so wrong for me.But what can I do?I'm just a composition of blood,flesh and emotions.Couldn't really stand it.But why?It's the way that guys handled their love life.To betray and hurt a current partner.
Why the fuck does it have to end this way?The girl has to sacrifice her dignity to be with her loved one and the guy repayed her by having an affair with another.The worst thing is that the guy couldn't pick his courage to end things with the current partner before he headed for another relationship.
I guessed those cowards think with the muscle in between their legs.I hope that muscle will lose it's function soon for those cowards.
Why can't they appreciate what they have?Why do they need to cheat on their partner?So disgusted with them.
I wondered what's their health's report like with all those fooling around.
Why the fuck does it have to end this way?The girl has to sacrifice her dignity to be with her loved one and the guy repayed her by having an affair with another.The worst thing is that the guy couldn't pick his courage to end things with the current partner before he headed for another relationship.
I guessed those cowards think with the muscle in between their legs.I hope that muscle will lose it's function soon for those cowards.
Why can't they appreciate what they have?Why do they need to cheat on their partner?So disgusted with them.
I wondered what's their health's report like with all those fooling around.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Do I really know you?

Let me summarize something from a typical chinese wedding here:
Guests have to pay some kind of entrance fees before they start on their 10 course chinese meal.The amount that you paid will be recorded.Somehow if the amount is below the market rate,you'll be labelled as stingy.
Some couple use this opportunity to make some money from their wedding.They'll start inviting some well to do people hoping for a bigger amount of monetary gift.Suddenly,they are so close to everybody.I called it 'mass invitations'.Most of those victims will never attend to the wedding but they still have to part with their money out of being polite.
Some will mark up the price of the 10 course meal hoping that you'll pay more.How pathetic is that?
The original intention of a wedding is a celebration with friends and family for the reunion of a couple but its been tarnished now with dirty schemes and greed.
June says you pathetic people should get married and divorced every few months in order to break even of the cost.Make a full time job out of it if you can.
I won't apologize if you feel offended by my words.You feel offended because you really did what I mentioned here.
Thank you
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010

Beautiful things like that only happens in the realm of fantasy.I used to yearned for it.If it really as beautiful like how it was being potrayed as.Sometimes it really made me threw caution to the wind and did some silly things.After all these years,I no longer wish for it to comes true for me.Hope it'll stay forever beautiful like how I remembered it.
Don't get me started on this again

I'm really curious here.What ever that made some of you thinks that I owe you some explanations?Do you really need to know about my whereabouts?Who am I seeing?What am I wearing or even who I fucked?What gives you the right to question me?Did I gave you that?NO!MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!
Don't try to tell me that you cared and all those rubbish.I know who my friends are!My friends know who I am and they are not fucking nosy like you do.
And for those who presumed that I'm whatever that you are thinking just because you think it is.You are so wrong!I mean who the fuck do you think you are to judge me?TELL ME!WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!Tell you what.Only God can judge me.Get it?
Thank you very much.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Just came back from Irda's wedding.It's my first time attending a malay's wedding.An eye opener actually.There's no people waiting at the entrance to collect 'entrance fees' and recorded every single cent that you paid.I was being welcomed by the bride's parents.They made me feel very welcomed.I remember there was once that I stood at the reception for ages looking for my name in the guest list.I felt like a total idiot.That's totally disrespectful to me.Now back to the present.They are also very generous with the door gifts unlike the cheapskate candle that I got from another 'kiasu' couple,the bride to be exact.Until now,I don't know what to do with that candle.Maybe I could light it up during their funeral in future.It's not the value of the gift that I cared,it's the sincerity that matters.Everyone knows that the candle it's cheap but the bride was treating like a fool by the way that she handled things.A very fucked up wedding indeed....
What does a wedding actually means?It's a celebration of union between two individuals that love each other.Just like what I witnessed today.
It's not a meant of gaining profit like some fucked up kiasu people does.
Anyway,I wish Irda a wonderful beginning,and love to last a lifetime!
Friday, January 29, 2010
The pains that have burned me and scarred my soul, it was worth it, for having been allowed to walk where I've walked, which was to hell on earth, heaven on earth, back again, into, under, far in between, through it, in it, and above.
There are no word to dispel your feelings at this time,and there's no time that will ever dispel them.Nor it is any easier the second time than it was the first.And yet I can't share your grief,because no-one could share mine...
Sheep or wolf?
To remain ordinary, pathetic, beat-down, coasting through a miserable existence, like sheep herded by fate - or take control of your own destiny , releasing the caged wolf you have inside.To be the sheep or the wolf?
You moron!
You don't know anything ,yet all you do is brag,you clown. Where do you learn all that nonsense?You are trying to look cool. Do you know that I've seen all through your lies?As long as you don't realize it,you'll be just an idiot in my eyes.Stop showing off,you jerk. You think I never seen all those things before? What make you think that I'm as dumb as you are?You wanted to acted smart but you can't.And you'll never be....Coz I'm way ahead of you...
Tried to be someone else
But it doesn't seems to change anything
I'm quitting
Now, this is who I really am inside
Finally found myself
I've been fighting for it for so long
But it doesn't seems to change anything
I'm quitting
Now, this is who I really am inside
Finally found myself
I've been fighting for it for so long
What is love?
What is love?
It tend to attract me to it
Attracted to the world of deception and heartbreak
I knew it won't work for me
But yet I was drawn to it
Like moth to fire
I know it'll hurt me
But I don't care
Until it was too late
It stabbed into my heart
Tore my world apart
Burnt my soul
It can nourish me
But it also can destroy me
But do I really need it?
I don't know
I don't even want to know
Sometimes I wish I'm immune
Immune from this love thing
But I just couldn't resist it
Wished I never knew what is love
Wished it never touched my heart
Wished I never succumb to it
It tend to attract me to it
Attracted to the world of deception and heartbreak
I knew it won't work for me
But yet I was drawn to it
Like moth to fire
I know it'll hurt me
But I don't care
Until it was too late
It stabbed into my heart
Tore my world apart
Burnt my soul
It can nourish me
But it also can destroy me
But do I really need it?
I don't know
I don't even want to know
Sometimes I wish I'm immune
Immune from this love thing
But I just couldn't resist it
Wished I never knew what is love
Wished it never touched my heart
Wished I never succumb to it
A new love prospect?

You may find yourself a little lucky in the romance department, Gemini, but you may also need to be careful about this luck, particularly if you are attached. This is a period where a chance encounter, possibly leading to an intense emotional or sexual attraction, when you are least expecting it could happen. Try to keep your head and your heart together as this could be overwhelming experience for you, this is the love at first site thundering of your heart moment. This will be an enjoyable period if you are single and have been looking for a new beginning, but if you are attached, this could lead to some serious problems for you. Be careful with interactions today, and if you are in no position to jump at new opportunities, then you definitely should not.
That's the horoscope reading for today.Damn it!It's a disaster!Thanks but no thanks.Please don't come knocking on my door.It's the last I ever needed now.But I'll be extra careful with interactions today.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Hypocrite.That's what I think of them...
They are all around us.It's a wonder how they really pull it off.Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide syndrome.Wish I have the audicity to expose them right there and then.
This hypocrite has been trying to potray herself as some pure virginal kind of girl inspite of what she did and how she treated my friend.I mean you don't have to say it out loud how good you are even if you're really good unless you are trying to sell yourself.I wish someone could just slap some sense into her head....What a bimbo...
They are all around us.It's a wonder how they really pull it off.Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide syndrome.Wish I have the audicity to expose them right there and then.
This hypocrite has been trying to potray herself as some pure virginal kind of girl inspite of what she did and how she treated my friend.I mean you don't have to say it out loud how good you are even if you're really good unless you are trying to sell yourself.I wish someone could just slap some sense into her head....What a bimbo...
Homosexual is NOT a CRIME!

Many of those we respect and love who are gay, have now been essentially told that they are in "second-rate" society and should not be allowed the same inalienable rights as those of us who are straight.
I hope that people will understand that being homosexual is not a disease: people who are homosexual are not looking for a cure but for ACCEPTANCE...
I really loathed straight people who looked down at the gays.There was this bitch who put the gays as one kind like she's the holiest one and said all sorts of terrible things about them but yet she let a gay stylist do her hair just because it's cheaper.Isn't her a very confused bitch?
Ignorant people can say all sorts of crazy stuff.The worst thing that they can do is to do nothing but to treat our friends like outcasts!It can be seen on the big screen where homosexuals were tortured and killed.HOMOSEXUALITY is NOT a CRIME!!
Some people couldn't accept homosexuality is just because of their selfish nature.For example:A girl is upset because she's going to lose her boyfriend because she had just found out that he's gay.But come to think of it,she's sad because it's her who's being affected.What if it happened to someone else?Would she feels the same too?Do you think that being selfish had to do with it?
It's not what you want them to be.It's what they want to be.You can't accept it because it's not the way you planned it and you are dissapointed.
If you are have an issue about this subject,you should have voice it out long before anything happens to your loved ones,not condemning it after that.I think it's not an issue to you if it happens to others.It's like you are trying to say that homosexual is a very bad thing and it's alright if it's happened to others but not to your loved ones.Human is indeed a horribly selfish species.
Sometimes people like to look at things from only one point.They'll hurl all sorts of crazy statements without ever trying to understand the subject.It's easier for them to pick on the gays,I guess.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Shit just happens for no reason.Things will never go according the the plans.What to do?I'm only a mortal trying to survive.Just hoping that I'll be able to keep my sanity intact this time.
I can almost smell smoke coming out from my head.There's so much to do but yet so much that I'm not able to do by myself.I really hate this situation where things could go so wrong if it's to be done by others.If only I have the knowledge and the capability to do them all by myself.I'll get freaked whenever things are out of my control.STRESS....STRESS....STRESS....
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
A Brand New Year

Time really flews.A year has passed in a blink.I'm getting old.The big 30's not far away.Must move my butt,work harder to transform my ideas into realities else,what's the point of having panda eyes.
*A reminder to myself.Keep my eyes open wide all the time.....
Night time
Night time seems to be very confusing.It's slumber time for some people,lonesome for others.Most of my Eureka moments happened during my sleepless nights.I wonder if it's really a blessing in disguise?Eureka=Panda Eyes?
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